Montana Department of Commerce Announces Six Communities to Receive Planning Grants

Livingston Montana HELENA, Mont. – The Montana Department of Commerce announced today that six Montana communities will share more than $200,000 of grant funding to support the planning of critical infrastructure and community development projects in Montana. The funding is through Commerce’s Community Development Block Grant program (CDBG).

“For our towns, cities and counties to prepare for sustained economic growth, they must be able to strategically plan,” said Scott Osterman, Director of the Montana Department of Commerce. “CDBG awards will help create and retain good paying jobs for Montana workers by supporting a community’s ability to develop future growth plans, studies and training to advance crucial infrastructure and community development projects.”

CDBG Planning Grants are awarded to the following communities:

CDBG Planning Grants have been awarded across Montana and have made an impact in numerous communities. For example, a CDBG Planning Grant contributed to the completion of a preliminary architectural report that paved the way for the Hotel Finlen in Butte to access $700,000 in CDBG Economic Development grant funding as part of a $3.2 million renovation that will result in the creation 35 new jobs and enable the hotel to serve as an anchor and economic driver of revitalization in Uptown Butte.

In Winnett, a CDBG planning grant helped Petroleum County plan to re-use its historic courthouse to meet housing and economic development needs, resulting in the County being awarded both CDBG Housing funding and nearly $500,000 in Montana Historic Preservation funding. When completed, this project will help provide more accessible housing and community meeting space in Winnett, and keep a beautiful historic building in use for generations to come.

CDBG planning grants are available to eligible counties, cities, towns and local governments. Local governments may apply on behalf of special purpose districts, unincorporated areas or on behalf of non-profit organizations. Counties may also apply for planning grants on behalf of tribal utility authorities.

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Tags: Community MT