Recent Montana Board of Housing updates and program announcement memos for lenders are archived below.
We appreciate all of our partners who have continued sending loan packages now that our MBS Program is in full stride!
We have a few reminders when your loan will be held and service by IHFA:
Soon we’ll be sending recertification requests and documentation. Please remember that you must have reserved and sold MBOH or IHFA at least one loan this past year to recertify. Charlie Brown will reach out to those needing to fulfill this obligation later this month.
Montana and Idaho Staff are all looking forward to our continued partnerships and hope you’re all having a wonderful 2025 so far!
Starting Nov. 1, 2024, the majority of our programs will now be sold to and serviced by Idaho Housing and Finance Association and in turn will be pooled into a Mortgage Backed Security.
We hope you’ve all taken advantage of the training sessions we’ve provided both live and online. To assist in the transition, the presentation slide decks, as well as the Terms and Conditions, FAQs, Mortgage Purchase and Servicing Guide, Single-Family Lock Guidelines, interest rate updates and various other documents have been updated and placed on our website.
Our online reservation system, Lender Online, now has the new MBOH Submission Voucher/MBS Loan Compliance Package checklist of items that MBOH must approve for compliance review of each file. IHFA has their HFA 1 Loan Delivery Checklist for packages uploaded to them at If you haven’t already, please contact Charlie or the Idaho representative who has been sending invitations and certification checklists to our participating lenders in order to have access. MBOH must have the required Attestations ensuring that officers from our lenders have reviewed the new documentation and agree to the updated terms listed as well as IHFA’s certification. Both must be completed before loans can be reserved on Lender Online.
The Montana Veterans Home Loan Program loans will still be reviewed and serviced by MBOH and financed through Montana Board of Investments. Habitat for Humanity Loans and Montana Street CLTs in Missoula will continue to be purchased and serviced by MBOH.
MBOH and IHFA staff are here to help throughout this transition so please reach out anytime. Your partnership is what makes helping Montanans become homeowners possible. Thank you so much.
Now for the news you’ve all been waiting for. Housing MT is dropping rates. Our regular bond program will now have a rate of 5.5%. The DPA programs, MBOH+ and Bond Advantage will sit at 5.75% and Set-aside Loans will now be at the 5.25% rate. These rate changes will take place Oct. 3, 2024 at 5 p.m. MDT.
Big changes are coming to MBOH on Nov. 1, 2024. We’ll be partnering with Idaho Housing and Finance Association, who will purchase most MBOH loans to roll into Mortgage Backed Securities and will be our Master Servicer. Montana Veterans Home Loan Program Loans will still be reviewed and serviced by MBOH and financed through Montana Board of Investments. Habitat for Humanity Loans will be purchased and serviced by MBOH. Trainings both live and via Zoom have been scheduled. Those live trainings in Great Falls and Missoula may be changed to a Zoom meeting so please watch your email boxes for any updates to times and dates.
Regarding your email boxes, remember that our staff is able to update who is on the email list. Contact our staff with any additions or deletions at or 406-841-2850. Please also remember to update your Lender Online users as your company gains and removes staff. Be sure your staff are aware of your designated administrator for Lender Online so they can notify the designated administrator with staffing updates and to update passwords in cases where staff allowed passwords to expire.
Thank you for your continued partnership and please attend or sign up for the trainings regarding our move to partner with Idaho. There are a number of changes that will directly affect all of our partners and how different loan program documents are submitted to and purchased by Idaho.
We’ve experienced an increasing number of Hazard Insurance Binders that aren’t being revised to reflect the proper payee. We appreciate your understanding and assistance and ask that the actual binders be provided with Montana Board of Housing or Montana Board of Investments, in the case of Vet Program Loans, as the loss payee per the Terms and Conditions for the loans being closed. We’ll no longer purchase loans with simply the letter promising to make the change post purchase. Partner lenders have informed us that getting the proper binder isn’t a problem. This change will help reduce the number of follow-up documents we need to keep track of. Please provide binders the MBOH/MBOI Loans being closed along with those in the pipeline now.
A reminder that we have new staff: Jessica Michel, our new Program Manager and Monique Higginbotham with our review and compliance staff (Jim Neary’s counterpart). Both are doing an excellent job and we ask that you include them on emails and correspondence to the homeownership staff as needed.
We’ve had to remove some lenders from our participating lender list and their ability to sell loans to the Board because of lack of volume (one loan a year is required to be sold to the Board) or simply not recertifying with us. Charlie is always happy to work with those lenders wishing to continue to work with us.
A big thank you to those lenders who have re-certified and we look forward to another great year of helping Montanans become homeowners.
We hope you’ve had a wonderful summer so far.
Big news from our board meeting this morning. The new income and purchase price limits for Montana have been approved and are attached as a reference sheet. These new limits will take place immediately as of May 13, 2024.
More big news and staff changes; the new Homeownership Program manager is Jessica Michel. She’s come to us with over 40 years’ experience and we’re happy to have her join the team. Leaving us on Wednesday is Paige Bowsher, who we’re sad to see go. Please work with Jim Neary until we have a chance to replace Paige. Her job listing is available upon request.
Please remember to use Annual Income when inputting salaries for borrowers on Lender Online and be sure to hit the “submit” button when inputting reservations. The fillable “Method to Compute Recapture Tax” form will have the new income limits in Lender Online, so please be sure to use this one for your submissions.
Annual recertification requests have been sent out so please be sure to return those to me before the July 1 deadline. Remember that you must have had at least one loan purchased by MBOH in the past year in order to continue to participate with our program. We appreciate your partnership and hope to keep all of our partners active in helping the homebuyers of Montana.
Thank you for helping MBOH be an integral part of financing houses across the state. We hope you’re having a wonderful Spring and are looking forward to an even better Summer.
MBOH doesn’t want to be outdone by the outside market so we’re initiating a rate drop. Our recent bond sale went quite well and we’re passing the savings on to you and the borrowers of Montana.
Effective 8 a.m., Dec. 1, 2023, the Regular Bond Program interest rate will decrease to 5.75%. The rate for the down payment assistance programs (MBOH+ and Bond Advantage) will drop to 6.00%, and the Set-aside rate will be adjusted to 5.50%. The current rates for the 80% Combined and VHLP loan programs will not be affected by this change.
Loans currently reserved in our pipeline are not allowed to be canceled in favor of the new rates. Please be sure all staff are aware of this. Also, with the year-end quickly approaching, we plan to clean up our To-Follow documents and will be sending requests. Feel free to review your loans to beat us to the punch and send those in.
Also, the Veteran’s Home Loan Program is a revolving loan fund and sporadically has funds added back in. It’s the lender’s responsibility to monitor available funds through our online portal. We continue to receive VHLP Loans that have been assigned through MERS. This is not allowed in that program. Be sure all assignments are to Montana Board of Investments since they’re the ones purchasing the loans.
If you have borrower income that you’d like to have reviewed by staff in order to assure compliance, we’re more than happy to receive all of their income information and make those calculations. Please remember that all forms of income must be presented for calculation.
We hope this further drop in rates will help provide financing for even more Montanans this holiday season. Thank you for your partnership.
We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday! An upcoming rate drop offers even more to be thankful for. In response to mortgage rate decreases and an upcoming bond sale, we are doing what we can to benefit potential borrowers and lower our rate.
Effective immediately, Nov. 27, 2023, the Regular Bond Program interest rate will decrease to 6.00%. The rate for the down payment assistance programs (MBOH + and Bond Advantage) will drop to 6.25%, and the Set-aside rate will be adjusted to 5.75%. The current rates for the 80% Combined and VHLP loan programs will not be affected by this change.
Remember that MBOH products are now listed on the Optimal Blue platform. For lenders who use Optimal Blue, please work with them to include Montana Board of Housing mortgage products in your financing options.
Also recall that there is a production requirement for all Montana Board of Housing Participating Lenders. A lender must originate at least one program loan per year; use of the MCC program will meet this requirement. For 2024, if this requirement has not been met by May 17, your organization will be dropped as a lender and will have to reapply and be approved to become a Participating Lender to have access to MBOH loan programs and to be listed on our website.
There are recorded training modules available on our website,, for partners who may need a refresher. Julie Hope is available to provide more in-depth on-line training for staff who work with the MBOH products.
We’re all thankful to have you as partners this holiday season and throughout the year. We appreciate your help in reaching Montana Homeowners wherever possible utilizing our program rates and DPA.
In light of past Lender Online issues, please reach out to staff if any problems or questions come up. If you can’t reach your usual contact, please continue trying – all messages have alternative emails or phone numbers you can utilize.
Once again, market environment causes us to increase our bond program rates by another 0.25%.
Effective at 5 p.m., Oct. 19, 2023, the Regular Bond Program interest rate will increase to 6.25%. The rate for the down payment assistance programs (MBOH Plus and Bond Advantage) will be 6.50%, and the Set-aside rate will be adjusted to 6.00%.
The current rates for the 80% Combined and VHLP loan programs will not be affected by this change.
We’ve had lenders report that information and updates haven’t been uploaded to the Lender Online System. Please be sure to hit the "Submit" button on the page on which you’re working – otherwise, the changes will not be saved.
The information provided to Lender Online is only as good as what’s inputted. Be sure to use annual income for borrowers to enact the safe guard that keeps over-income loans from being accepted.
Julie Hope is available to provide in person or online training for all new staff that will be working with the MBOH products or as a refresher for those needing it.
Thank you for helping finance our friends and neighbors in Montana. Have a wonderful Fall as we head into the holiday season.
We apologize for the issues with Lender Online recently; we have been working on server upgrades. That work is complete and hopefully we do not continue to have problems.
We also apologize for the bad news of a 0.25% rate increase, but this is volatile rate environment and is affecting us all.
Effective at 5 p.m., Oct. 3, 2023, the Regular Bond Program interest rate will increase to 6.00%. The rate for the down payment assistance programs (MBOH Plus and Bond Advantage) will be 6.25%, and the Set-aside rate will be adjusted to 5.75%.
The current rates for the 80% Combined and VHLP loan programs will not be affected by this change.
A reminder that income limits are strictly enforced and if your borrowers are close to the max, please contact Housing MT staff to have the VOEs and all sources of income reviewed. This and all MBOH Policies are set by the IRS, HUD or our Board and waivers cannot be granted.
Please be sure to correctly mark the "Housing Type" box on Lender Online. If it’s a condo and you don’t see it listed on the Projects Section, please contact staff before you reserve with the project name and total number of units in the project. An appraisal showing this information would be preferred.
Issues with proper hazard insurance, especially for manufactured homes, have come up a lot lately. MBOH doesn’t allow for Actual Cash Value Binders. We need Replacement Cost Policies regardless of the age of the home. Please be sure proper insurance is provided or MBOH will need to refuse purchase.
Julie Hope is available to provide in person or online training for all new staff that will be working with the MBOH products or as a refresher for those needing it.
We hope you all had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to the holiday season on the way. Thank you for your continued partnership.
I’m sure it’s no surprise that we need to increase rates again. Trying to keep it as painless as possible with just another small increase of 1/8%.
Effective at 12 p.m., Aug. 18, 2023, the Regular Bond Program interest rate will increase to 5.75%. The rate for the down payment assistance programs (MBOH Plus and Bond Advantage) will be 6.00%, and the Set-aside rate will be adjusted to 5.50%.
The current rates for the 80% Combined and VHLP loan programs will not be affected by this change.
A reminder that income limits are strictly enforced and if your borrowers are even close to the max, please contact Housing MT staff to have the VOEs and all sources of income reviewed.
We’ve had some loan files submitted where the borrower has taken a Homebuyer Ed class named HomeView through FNMA. This class has not been approved and is not accepted as the HBE requirement by Montana Board of Housing at this time. Please continue to work with NeighborWorks and your local approved HBE providers to fulfill that need.
Remember that Julie Hope is available to provide in person or online training for all new staff that will be working with the MBOH products or as a refresher for those needing it.
Thank you for your continued partnership. Staff is so pleased that we’re able to reach more and more Montana Homebuyers with your help. We couldn’t do it without you.
As you know, Montana Board of Housing financing is made available through the issuance of tax-exempt bonds. Earlier this year, we were able to secure financing at very attractive rates and thanks to your continued participation in our programs, we were able to provide $40 million dollars to first time homebuyers around the state. As we look to the market for a new bond issue, rates have increased and will no longer support a lending rate of 5.5%.
While we are trying to keep increases to a minimum, we do have to adjust our current lending rates. Effective at 5 p.m., Aug. 8, 2023, the Regular Bond Program interest rate will increase to 5.625%. The rate for the down payment assistance programs (MBOH Plus and Bond Advantage) will be 5.875%, and the Set-aside rate will be adjusted to 5.375%.
The current rates for the 80% Combined and VHLP loan programs will not be affected by this change.
A reminder that income limits are strictly enforced and if your borrowers are even close to the max, please contact Housing MT staff to have the VOEs and all sources of income reviewed.
Another program restriction being overlooked is dual kitchens and extra rooms in the home, or extra living quarters on the properties we are being asked to finance. If those areas are possible rentals, they can’t be financed with MBOH funds so we can’t purchase those loans. Please review any questionable homes with staff before reserving funds or closing loans on such homes.
Remember that Julie Hope is available to provide in person or online training for all new staff that will be working with the MBOH products or as a refresher for those needing it.
We hope you’re having a wonderful summer and appreciate your help making our programs a success!
Today, July 10, 2023, our Board elected to adjust the parameters on the MBOH + Deferred DPA Program provided by Montana Board of Housing. Starting immediately:
We continue to see loans reserved that are over income for our programs. Please contact staff to help determine household income if your borrower(s) are close to the limit. Household income is calculated differently than qualifying income.
Also remember the MT Veterans Home Loan Program balance is updated every month on the Lender Online site. This usually happens at the beginning of the month, but not at a specific time so please visit the site often to determine if there is a balance available to assist your Montana Veteran borrowers.
There has been some confusion with the Board’s Targeted Areas, please review them, and know where they are. Remember that Deer Lodge is not in Deer Lodge County and some areas of Great Falls are not actually in the targeted area of the City of Great Falls. Verify before utilizing the targeted area parameters, no exceptions can be made.
The lender annual recertification document deadline is July 31. Please reach out to Charlie if you have any questions or require documents be re-sent; we are happy to work with you in any way needed.
We hope you’re having a wonderful summer and thank you for thinking of us whenever you have borrowers that fit into our programs.
The IRS has released revenue procedures that establish new Income and Purchase Price Limits for Bond programs, and on May 23, our Board approved new limits for MBOH programs. The updated income and purchase price limits can be found in the attached quick reference guide and on the Housing MT website, Recapture tax forms have been updated; be sure you are using the most recent documents for new loans.
Regarding purchase price limits, they were very generous; we saw increases of 23% across the state. Income limits saw more modest increases, up to 10%, so there is a disconnect between the prices allowed and what the borrower can afford in this rate environment. Recently, we have seen an uptick in files where the borrowers are over income. Please be sure that your borrowers meet the Board’s income requirements when originating MBOH loans. Staff are happy to review income prior to loans being reserved.
With new purchase price limits being set, the maximum loan amount allowed in the Veteran’s Home Loan Program also increases to $457,117. The MT Veteran’s Home Loan Program has limited funds available – updates are posted monthly.
Three new lenders were approved at the Board meeting as well. We welcome them to the Housing MT Family.
A few administrative issues: We’ve seen lenders charging too much on the DPA loans provided through MBOH+ and the Bond Advantage Programs. Remember the allowed fee is $175. Also, on all first mortgages, please keep the origination fee at or below 1.75%, no discount points and keep other fees affordable for our targeted market. As always, no cash back.
Targeted areas, especially City of Great Falls, need to be determined before reservations are made. Homes must be located within the city limits.
Training is being offered around the state, in conjunction with other affordable housing programs like NeighborWorks, HRDCs and Rural Development. Upcoming sessions are in Havre on June 7 and Helena on June 8. Contact Hannah Tester and NeighborWorks for more information.
We hope your New Year is going well! In response to mortgage rate decreases, we are doing what we can to benefit potential borrowers, so we are lowering our rate as well.
Effective immediately, Feb. 3, 2023, the Regular Bond Program interest rate will decrease to 5.50%. The rate for the down payment assistance programs (MBOH + and Bond Advantage) will drop to 5.75%, and the Set-aside rate will be adjusted to 5.25%. The current rates for the 80% Combined and VHLP loan programs will not be affected by this change.
We are happy to announce that MBOH products are now listed on the Optimal Blue platform. For lenders who use Optimal Blue, please work with them to include Montana Board of Housing mortgage products in your financing options.
Remember there is a production requirement for all Montana Board of Housing Participating Lenders. A lender must originate at least one program loan per year; use of the MCC program will meet this requirement. For 2023, if this requirement has not been met by May 17, your organization will be dropped as a lender and will have to reapply and be approved to become a Participating Lender to have access to Montana Board of Housing loan programs and to be listed on our website.
As a place holder, mark your calendars for the annual Housing Conference which will be held in Helena this year, May 15-17. Watch for more information on how to participate.
Happy New Year! With the release of the 2023 FHA Loan Limits, Montana Board of Housing has been able to update the Purchase Price Limits for the Board’s programs, which also increases the loan limit of the MT Veterans’ Home Loan Program. These limits are effective immediately, and are posted on our website and in Lender Online. They will be in effect until the IRS releases a new revenue procedure later this spring, at which time they could be adjusted up or down again.
Attached is the Quick Reference Guide which includes the new purchase price limits and VHLP loan limit of $372,655. Per the Revenue Procedure currently in effect, we are not able to increase income limits at this time, so please be sure that your borrowers meet the Board’s income limit requirements when originating a loan in our programs. New IRS income limit guidance will be released later this spring.
Montana Board of Housing’s interest rate will remain at 5.75% for loans without DPA, 6.00% for the down payment assistance programs (MBOH+ and Bond Advantage), and the Set-aside rate at 5.50%. The current rates for the 80% Combined and VHLP loan programs are posted on our website.
Please remember to complete the endorsements on your notes, both the first and second, for security and convenience. We get many notes where the ‘to line’ is blank and we must write in Montana Board of Housing/Investments, this is not a very secure way to transfer notes.
Staff hopes to see an increase in loan activity now that limits have increased and are happy to help in any way with training, questions or loan scenarios. Feel free to contact us any time and have a wonderful 2023!
Happy Holidays! Because of a favorable bond deal, we’re able to offer better rates.
Effective immediately, Dec. 6, 2022, the Regular Bond Program interest rate will decrease to 5.75%. The rate for the down payment assistance programs (MBOH + and Bond Advantage) will drop to 6.00%, and the Set-aside rate will be adjusted to 5.50%. The current rates for the 80% Combined and VHLP loan programs will not be affected by this change.
Another announcement is that we’re happy to welcome a new staff member. Rebecca Holland has joined us to run our Reverse Annuity Mortgage Program. This program was previously offered by the multi-family program and we’re glad to take on the opportunity to expand the offerings as much as possible.
Also, remember that new policy requires all participants to sell MBOH at least one loan a year. This isn’t based on the calendar year so you still have a few months to get those reservations in.
We wish you all a wonderful holiday season.
Sorry to make it a gloomy Monday, but we’re announcing what everyone knew was coming. MBOH interest rates must be increased again.
Effective immediately, Oct. 24, 2022, the Regular Bond Program interest rate will increase to 6.00%. The rate for the down payment assistance programs (MBOH+ and Bond Advantage) will rise to 6.25%, and the Set-aside rate will be adjusted to 5.75%. The current rates for the 80% Combined and VHLP loan programs will not be affected by this change.
A reminder that the maximum loan amount allowed by the Board that is listed in the Purchase and Servicing Guide has been updated to further clarify: "The maximum loan amount the borrowers can finance will be the purchase price plus the FHA upfront premium, the VA guarantee fee, the RD guarantee fee or the PMI upfront premium to the extent permitted by such insurer or guarantor, as supported by the appraised value."
Be sure to utilize the forms available on the Lender Online System. We’ve received outdated forms that must have been copied from earlier versions available on our online system. Please discontinue this practice if it applies to you.
Following today’s Board meeting, we have some good news.
To encourage better utilization of our Down Payment Assistance Programs, we requested a change that was approved by the Board.
Effective immediately:
Other actions taken by the Board at the meeting include the approval of a new MCC Resolution which will allow us to offer the MCC program after the end of 2022, and the addition of two new participating lenders. We welcome First Colony Mortgage and Guaranteed Rate Inc.
We truly appreciate all our partners and their continued support of MBOH programs which help Montanans fulfill their homeownership dreams.
Montana Department of Commerce
301 S Park Ave, Helena, MT 59620
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