No. The SBDC does not directly loan money or give grants to small businesses. Your SBDC Business Advisor can help you find an appropriate source of financing that best suits your needs and assist you with the necessary business planning and financial projections needed to apply for SBA guaranteed loans and approach local banks for capital.
Free one-on-one business consulting. The SBDCs help with a large variety of business issues ranging from basic start-up questions to assisting with financing issues, preparing business plans and marketing assistance. SBDC Business Advisors do not provide specific legal or tax advice, but they can provide you with information to help you make an informed decision or provide referral sources if further help is needed.
Attend an “Evaluate a Business Idea” workshop at your local SBDC office. "Evaluate a Business Idea" is designed to help you examine your business idea and determine your potential for success before you spend time and money developing a full business plan. After you decide to proceed, set up a counseling appointment with your local SBDC Business Advisor.
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) loan programs are designed to encourage commercial lenders (like banks) to make loans directly to business owners and entrepreneurs. The SBA does not make direct loans. Your SBDC Business Advisor will be able to walk you through the loan application process and help you determine what kind of loan package is right for your financing needs.
No. Your SBDC Business Advisor will guide you through the "how-to" of writing your business plan and grants and/or loan paperwork. They will work one-on-one with you to develop a comprehensive plan with accompanying cash flow projections and financial statements.