The 2030 Census count is scheduled to begin in April 2030.
Montana receives more than $2 billion in federal funding every year based on Census data for every Montana resident counted, the Census estimates the state will receive nearly $2,000 per person each year in federal funding. The $20,000 per person coming into the state over the next decade is used in every Montana county for medical assistance, educational programs, need-based support, infrastructure, highway planning and over 300 other programs. Spending just a few minutes to complete your Census form will help ensure Montana gets its fair share of federal funding. Filling out the form is quick, easy, safe and important.
Census data is used to define legislative districts, establish school districts and guide decision making in many other functional areas of government. As mandated by the U.S. Constitution, the Census is used to apportion seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. Montana gained an additional congressperson in 2020. An accurate count will ensure we continue to hold representation for the State of Montana. The independent Montana Districting and Apportionment Commission will use 2030 Census information to redraw the boundaries of congressional and legislative districts.
Census data is also used to inform community decisions. Think of it like a snapshot of who we are as a community every decade. Data for each area are crucial to many planning decisions, such as where to provide services for seniors, where to build new roads and schools and where to locate job training centers. Census data is also used by organizations to obtain grant funding for key programs helping Montanans.
The count is conducted every 10 years by the federal government, with states supporting the effort to inform residents about the importance of being counted. The Census and Economic Information Center within the Montana Department of Commerce is Montana’s designated agency for Census outreach, analyzing and disseminating the data, and providing training on Census programs and products.
Keep track of updates from the U.S. Census Bureau here. Stay tuned for information as we approach the 2030 Census.
Montana Department of Commerce
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