The Governor-appointed Tourism Advisory Council (TAC) oversees the distribution of the Lodging Facility Use Tax ("bed tax") to Montana's tourism regions and convention and visitor bureaus, advises the Department of Commerce relative to tourism promotion, and fulfills other functions as defined by MCA 2-15-1816
Jan. 27, 2025, Virtual | ITRR Research Committee | Agenda
January 23, 2025, Virtual | New TAC Member Onboarding & Orientation | Agenda | Meeting Recording
Jan. 27, 2025, Virtual | ITRR Research Committee | Agenda
Oct. 9, 2024 8 a.m. Virtual | TAC Full Council | Meeting Recording | Meeting Minutes | Agenda | ITRR Update
June 4-5, 2024, Billings | Agenda | Meeting Recording 6/4 | Meeting Recording 6/5 Part 1 | Meeting Recording 6/5 Part 2 | Meeting Minutes Due to technical difficulties on the second day ppublic comment can be submitted to
May 23, 2024, Virtual | Marketing Committee | Agenda
May 9, 2024, Virtual | TAC Committee Vote Budget Increase | Meeting Recording | Meeting Minutes | Agenda | Meeting Book
March 12, 2024, Virtual | TAC Committee Vote Budget Increase Meeting Recording | Meeting Minutes | Agenda
February 6, 2024, Virtual | TAC Full Council | Meeting Recording | Meeting Book | Meeting Minutes | Agenda
January 30, 2024, Virtual | Marketing Committee | FY23 Audit Recommendations | FY24 Budget Recommendations | Agenda
January 25th, 2024, Virtual | ITRR (Research Committee) | FY25 University Travel Research Programs | Agenda
October 3-4, 2023 | Meeting Recording (10/3) | Meeting Recording (10/4) | Meeting Minutes | Meeting Book | Brand MT Strategic Plan
June 5-6, 2023 | Meeting Recording (6/5) | Meeting Recording (6/6) | Meeting Minutes | Agenda
February 6, 2023 | Meeting Recording | Meeting Minutes | Agenda
December 12 2022 | Meeting Recording | Agenda
October 3-4 2022 | Meeting Recording (10/3) | Meeting Recording (10/4) | Agenda
July 7 2022 | Meeting Recording | Meeting Minutes | Agenda
June 13-14 2022 | Meeting Recording (6/13) | Meeting Recording (6/14) | Meeting Minutes | Agenda
February 7 2022 | Meeting Recording (A.M.) | Meeting Recording (P.M.) | Meeting Minutes | Agenda
January 6, 2022 | Meeting Recording | Meeting Minutes | Agenda
October 4 2021 | Meeting Recording (A.M.) | Meeting Recording (P.M.) | Meeting Minutes | Agenda
June 14-15 2021 | Meeting Recording (6/14) | Meeting Recording (6/15) | Meeting Minutes | Agenda
February 8 2021 | Meeting Recording (A.M.) | Meeting Recording (P.M.) | Meeting Minutes | Agenda
October 6 2020 | Minutes
June 8 2020 | Minutes
February 10 2020 | Minutes
October 7-8 2019| Minutes
June 10-11 2019 | Minutes
February 4 2019 | Minutes
April 3 2019 | Minutes
April 11 2019 | Minutes
September 24-25 2018 | Minutes
June 11-12 2018 | Minutes
April 15 2018 | Minutes
October 2-3 2017 | Minutes
June 12-13 2017 | Minutes
February 13 2017 | Minutes
October 4 2016 | Minutes
June 6-7 2016 | Minutes
April 10 2016 | Minutes
October 6 2015 | Minutes
June 1-2 2015 | Minutes
February 2-3 2015 | Minutes
October 6-7 2014 | Minutes
June 2-3 2014 | Minutes
April 13 2014 | Minutes
February 3-4 2014 | Minutes
Dr. Sabre Moore is the Executive Director of the Carter County Museum in Ekalaka, Montana. She received her Ph.D. in American Studies with a focus in Public History from Montana State University in 2023, her M.A. in Museum Studies & Nonprofit Management from Johns Hopkins University in 2016, and a B.A. in History from Montana State University in 2013. Her research focuses on museums and rural community vitality, and how power is exercised in practices of place. Sabre is the Chair of the Montana Governor’s Tourism Advisory Council and has held leadership positions on the Board of Directors for the Museums Association of Montana, Visit Southeast Montana, Starry Skies Montana, and Carter County Chamber of Commerce. She is a Site Steward for Medicine Rocks State Park and the Bureau of Land Management in Carter County, Montana.
I would recommend that travelers include Southeast Montana and Medicine Rocks State Park on the "must-see" list. Calls "as fantastically beautiful a place as I have ever seen" by Theodore Roosevelt, the park is a place where history and wonder meet. The sandstone monoliths date back millions of years and are carved with inscriptions. Much of Montana's wildlife can be seen within the park and the night skies are full of start.
The brand pillar I most closely associate with is "Vibrant and charming small towns that serve as gateways to our natural wonders". LIving in Ekalaka, I have learned that small communities are purveyors of Montana's iconic hospitality, deep history and stories that stick. Locals know the shortcuts and memorable sites, serving as excellent guides to adventure and the best places to have a snack along the rest of your way.
My autobiography could be entitled “From Carhop to the Corporate Office”. Since my short-lived career at the Conrad, MT Tastee Freeze in 1977, every job I have had has been in the tourism industry – one aspect or another. At 15 I enjoyed telling people where to go and how to get there, and still do. I have held tourism sales and marketing positions in Great Falls, West Yellowstone, Butte, Billings and back home to Conrad, where I reside today. I am currently in Sales and Marketing for Town Pump Hotel Group.Being named Sales and Marketing Person of the Year by the Montana Lodging and Hospitality Association in 2016 is just slightly above being selected Miss Congeniality at the Pondera County Junior Miss Pageant in 1979 – both awards are on display in the office. I love the Montana State Bobcats, the NY Met’s and traveling the red roads!
Open the map and take a "red road" to any small town in Montana. Have lunch on main street where the muddy pickups are parked and save room for pie. Stay for the parade where the horses outnumber the politicians, where everyone salutes the flag and knows to the Grand Marshall. Catch the rodeo, whether it be stick horse or rough stock and be sure to cheer for the mutton busters. Peruse the shops, donate to the local fundraiser, admire the tractors, visit the museum and make plans to return next year.
Other than growing up on a Farm and learning how to work hard and play hard, I’d say the 3rd of July Fireworks display in Butte! Spectacular!
"Vibrant and charming small towns that serve as gateways to our natural wonders." Having grown up in a small/rural town near Glacier Park. I saw early on impact the Park had on our community. Visitors stopped to or from the Park.
I was born in Cut Bank and spent most weekends and summers at our family cabin near Essex. I earned a business degree in hotel & restaurant administration and a minor in business management from Washington State University. From there, I had the pleasure of working at resorts and luxury guest ranches in Scottsdale, Page, and Greer, Arizona. In 2003, I moved back to Montana to be the Director of Sales, Marketing, and Business Relations for Glacier Park, Inc. In 2012, I became Delaware North's Director of Sales & Marketing for West Yellowstone, Whitefish, and the following national parks: Yellowstone, Olympic, and Grand Canyon. In June 2016, I became the Director of Marketing at Museum of the Rockies. Outside of work, I love to downhill ski, X-country ski, mountain bike, golf, play tennis, hike, swim with sharks and rocking out on my Pearl drum set. I am a Big Sister for Big Brothers Big Sisters, a volunteer for Huffing for Stuffing and a member of Montana State University's Hospitality Management & Culinary Arts Industry Advisory Board.
When you take the time to visit the 14 museums along the Montana Dinosaur Trail, you will experience authentic Montana hospitality and breathtaking scenery. You will view hundreds of fossil specimens, and discover what life was like in our state 65+ million years ago. The vast array of dinosaurs on display, the wide-open spaces, scenic high plains, unique waterways and the breathtaking night skies of Central Montana, Missouri River Country, & Southeast Montana will have you falling in love with the unique geography and people who live and work there. Remember to purchase your Montana Dinosaur Trail Passport to earn a reward after getting it stamped in each museum and enjoy your travels around Montana!
Consider a few days in Yellowstone Country, along the Bear Tooth Highway, around Yellowstone National Park, and alongside the area's magnificent rivers while visiting Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman. A Smithsonian Affiliate and accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, the museum is world-renowned for displaying an extensive collection of dinosaur fossils, including Montana's T. rex! A trip up to the Glacier Country's Flathead Lake and Glacier National Park is a must, so dip back into the NW corner of Central Montana along your way for two truly unique dinosaur museums located on the stunningly rugged Rocky Mountain front.
I have spent most of my career in the hotel and restaurant industry in and around our western US national parks, so I most associate with "Breathtaking experiences by day, and relaxing hospitality at night." However, I have also worked closely with the businesses, chambers, and CVB's in these park's gateway communities, so I also closely associate with "Vibrant and charming small towns that serve as gateways to our natural wonders."
I have called Southwest Montana home for over 55 years. I have been actively involved in production agriculture, healthcare and education throughout my career. My experience working for the three largest economic drivers in this area gives me a broad perspective.
I have worked in healthcare philanthropy as the Executive Director of Barrett Hospital Foundation in Dillon, MT for the past eight years.
My husband, Cal & I own and operate E Bar Cattle Co, a cow/calf and yearling operation located in Beaverhead County. Since 2006 we have been voluntary landowner participants in the Big Hole Arctic Grayling Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances to save the last native population of Arctic Grayling in the Lower 48. We have collaborated with Fish Wildlife & Parks on the protection of Sage Grouse habitat. For enjoyment, we raise quarter horses and partner with the University of Montana Western’s Natural Horsemanship Program.
Erin Kennedy returned to the west as soon as she could, joining her sisters already there. Her hospitality journey began at Baskin Robbins Ice Cream in high school, and over the years, she gained experience as a desk clerk, event planner, food and beverage director, catering manager, sales manager and regional sales director for several hotel chains including Holiday Inn, Hilton brands and Marriott brands. As the CEO of Yellowstone Hot Springs Resort, Erin oversees an award-winning destination just north of Yellowstone Park. The property features natural mineral hot springs open year-round, along with a cafe, and lodging, also seasonal RV and camping sites, with more development in the works.
Where my sisters and nieces are—the perfect place to connect and relax, usually with good music. If I had to choose then it is around food, with the Pray Café for breakfast and the Livery Stable in Emigrant for one of the best cheeseburgers, and don’t get me started on the Brussel sprouts!
Spectacular, unspoiled nature: There’s nothing quite like the breathtaking beauty of Montana’s wild places and the small towns between, and the Big Sky at night-- it is heaven.
MATT GEBO (Whitefish)
Matthew Gebo is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Whitefish Mountain Resort in northwest Montana. He relocated to Whitefish 2 seasons ago, taking the helm of the sales and marketing departments from current President and CEO, Nick Polumbus. Matt has spent over two decades in the ski and tourism industries, serving in leadership roles at several world-class ski and snowboard resorts as well as serving on multiple DMO Boards in resort communities. Currently, he serves as a board member of the Whitefish CVB, as well as sits on the organization’s marketing committee. Matt’s passion for outdoor recreation led him to the ski and snowboard industry, and that same passion drives how he spends his free time. When not working, you’ll find him skiing down Big Mountain, hiking the trails in and around the Flathead or on the water kayaking.
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